Coin Carbon Cap

PoW currencies ranked by energy efficiency

This site is currently under construction. The displayed metrics might be inaccurate.

All data averaged over 24 hours.
  • Txs / MWh
  • Txs / Ton CO2
  • Bytes / MWh
  • Transactions (24h)
  • Energy Usage (24h)
  • Average Tx Fee
  • Median Tx Fee
  • Blockchain Growth (24h)
Coin Txs / MWh
Aveage amount of transactions processed during the time period in which miners consume one megawatt-hour of energy.
Txs / Ton CO2
Average amount of transactions processed during the estimated time period in which miners produce one ton of CO2.
Bytes / MWh
Average amount of Kolibyte processed during the time period in which miners consume one megawatt-hour of energy.
Transactions (24h) Energy Usage (24h) Average Tx Fee
Bitcoin SV BSV 350.2 691.1 759.1 kb 84,042 240 MWh $0.0000
Monero XMR 99.5 196.3 ? 25,557 257 MWh $0.0488
Dash DASH 98.2 193.8 68.5 kb 11,960 122 MWh $0.0009
Dogecoin DOGE 19.5 38.6 7.0 kb 160,213 8,200 MWh $0.0180
Litecoin LTC 18.2 35.9 8.5 kb 177,394 9,756 MWh $0.0052
Bitcoin CASH BCH 10.9 21.6 6.2 kb 14,209 1,301 MWh $0.0082
eCash XEC 10.7 21.1 4.9 kb 1,041 98 MWh $0.0003
ZCash ZEC 8.4 16.5 21.7 kb 4,256 509 MWh $131.9114
Bitcoin BTC 1.7 3.3 1.1 kb 411,574 246,034 MWh $1.6986